About the ProgramSpend 6 weeks (mid June-July) with other students living, working, and serving with organizations in Philadelphia while discussing gospel themes of shalom, justice, reconciliation, identity, and hope. You will see lives transformed while learning to live the gospel and you’ll return to campus equipped to live the gospel wherever God calls you.
InternshipsIn the past we have placed people with the following majors in appropriate internships:
Pre-Med/Health Care, Business/Leadership, Information Management, Education, Art, Business, Pre-Law, and Social Work. We have great partnerships with a health center, community center, bike shop, and a law clinic. |
Prayer and DonationGateway Philadelphia and the Diamond Street House Intentional Christian Community House are ministries of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship. These ministries are made possible by generous prayers and financial contributions that individuals give towards making this ministry possible.
Quick Info - Why
It is true that the city contains much poverty and pain as well as hopelessness and despair, but in the midst of all that, God is here at work bringing new life and hope to people every day. This is the good news of the gospel at work.
You are cordially invited to join this good work of the gospel that God will be doing this summer. Maybe God is calling you to take a step of faith and follow Jesus into the city?
You will explore the intersections of faith and justice as well as explore how it is that the gospel is good news for the city while serving in local organizations that are currently seeking the shalom of the city.
You are cordially invited to join this good work of the gospel that God will be doing this summer. Maybe God is calling you to take a step of faith and follow Jesus into the city?
You will explore the intersections of faith and justice as well as explore how it is that the gospel is good news for the city while serving in local organizations that are currently seeking the shalom of the city.
2020: June 20th – August 3rd
Gateway Philadelphia happens every summer from mid-June to the beginning of August. It is six weeks in duration starting on a Saturday and ending on a Monday.
This is a time when Philadelphia is full of life. There are lots of block parties and bbq’s happening. Lots of children will be out playing in the streets and the open fire hydrants.
The life and vibrancy of the city is lots of fun in the summer and you’ll have plenty of interaction with the neighbors as we will spend time hearing their stories and learning from them.
See Program Details for more on this.
(2021: tentative dates for 6/19/21 – 8/2/21)
Gateway Philadelphia happens every summer from mid-June to the beginning of August. It is six weeks in duration starting on a Saturday and ending on a Monday.
This is a time when Philadelphia is full of life. There are lots of block parties and bbq’s happening. Lots of children will be out playing in the streets and the open fire hydrants.
The life and vibrancy of the city is lots of fun in the summer and you’ll have plenty of interaction with the neighbors as we will spend time hearing their stories and learning from them.
See Program Details for more on this.
(2021: tentative dates for 6/19/21 – 8/2/21)
The great city of brotherly love and sisterly affection, Philadelphia, PA! This is a city of significant history and known for many of the firsts in the country: first public library, and fire department, first zoo, bank, capital and so much more.
The summer program will be in the neighborhoods of North Central Philly and Hunting Park. We will be living and neighboring in North Central Philly and most of the internship sites are in the Hunting Park neighborhood.
The North Philly section of Philadelphia was once an industrial capital in the world, but after WWII industry needs shifted, globalization hit, and companies as well as people with monty moved out of N. Philly. What remained was joblessness leading to much despair.
But in the midst of that despair there were those who held on to hope in the gospel and have continued to seek shalom for the ever shifting city. Being a part of Gateway you will witness and experience all levels of this hope and despair in the city.
See Housing, Travel, & Safety for more on this.
The summer program will be in the neighborhoods of North Central Philly and Hunting Park. We will be living and neighboring in North Central Philly and most of the internship sites are in the Hunting Park neighborhood.
The North Philly section of Philadelphia was once an industrial capital in the world, but after WWII industry needs shifted, globalization hit, and companies as well as people with monty moved out of N. Philly. What remained was joblessness leading to much despair.
But in the midst of that despair there were those who held on to hope in the gospel and have continued to seek shalom for the ever shifting city. Being a part of Gateway you will witness and experience all levels of this hope and despair in the city.
See Housing, Travel, & Safety for more on this.
The approximate cost for each Gateway participant is $1500. This amount covers all costs during the program: housing, food, transportation, outings, books and materials.
Gateway is considered a summer immersion experience so participants are required to put equal effort towards raising funds and prayers by asking friends, family, churches, and schools to contribute toward the cost of their coming.
Fund raising will be done as a team in a collaborative way with everyone putting in the same amount of work. See “Program Details” below for more on this. All necessary raining and coaching will be provided by InterVarsity Staff.
See Program Details for more on this.
Gateway is considered a summer immersion experience so participants are required to put equal effort towards raising funds and prayers by asking friends, family, churches, and schools to contribute toward the cost of their coming.
Fund raising will be done as a team in a collaborative way with everyone putting in the same amount of work. See “Program Details” below for more on this. All necessary raining and coaching will be provided by InterVarsity Staff.
See Program Details for more on this.
"When you take intentional steps to dig deeper in faith and fellowship God responds and meets you in such an act of faith. Gateway is one of the acts of faith that puts you in a place of listening as well as action. Seek God, hear His will for you, and then live."